5 Most Frequently Asked Questions About SMS Marketing

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  • 5 Most Frequently Asked Questions About SMS Marketing

1. How Does SMS Marketing Start?

SMS marketing starts when a mobile phone user sends a keyword as a message to a specific short code. Messages like this are called MO messages (Mobile Originated message). Here is an example: Text START to 4444 for our weekly list of special offers!  Immediately the system receives the message (subscription) that contains the keyword, the phone number from which the message was actually sent, goes automatically into a database and then triggers an automated response – a new text sent back to the user. This type of massage is also called the MT message (Mobile Terminated message). In this case, the messages contain a list of all accessible special offers of that week.

2. How Does SMS Marketing work?

Anytime a customer texts a keyword to a dedicated short code, he is definitely opting-in to a specific SMS marketing campaign. So, SMS marketing starts as soon as a customer voluntarily sends the message (opt-in to your campaign), and his number gets added to the database. Once this is done, other alerts marketing messages or business updates can be sent. This particular process stops if a user decides to unsubscribe (opt-out) or if a company or a brand decides to terminate a specific campaign or to stop the use of SMS marketing for advertising purposes.

3. What Does SMS keyword Mean?

Let us return to our example: Text START to 4444 for our weekly list of special offers! The keyword here is the word START, and it goes in the body of the message.

SMS keywords are simply short words made from letters and/or numbers. A keyword is actually the first of two basic components of all successful SMS marketing campaigns. The customer has to text this keyword to the short code to get a response. So, the keyword is just a word chosen by the brand that is short (3 to 6 characters), easy to spell and remember. The best practice in the selection of the keyword is simply to use the name of the brand or anything closely related to the brand. It should be short, memorable and simple, without special characters which should never exceed just one word.

Just think like a customer . If you were one, what would you remember easier: the word PIZZA or the whole sentence SPECIAL PIZZA SERVICE ORDER NOW?

4. What Is an SMS Short Code?

Each and every SMS marketing campaign has two basic components. The first one is a keyword and the second is an SMS shortcode. The short code is a short phone number to which a keyword needs to be sent just to trigger the response. A short code is easy to remember, human-friendly number, approved by a mobile carrier, usually 3 to 7 digits in length and used for sending and receiving SMS messages. The short code can either be specific or random generated – specific SC is more expensive.

Again, we will use our example: Text START to 4444 for our weekly list of special offers! The number “4444” is a short code to which the message (keyword) is sent.

5. What Can be Sent in a Text Message?

SMS which means Short Messaging Service is a text messaging component of a mobile phone. So, as indicated by the name, it is obvious that SMS is primarily text-based. therefore, its main elements are words. However, SMS has additional options available, so, since SMS is an integral part of mobile marketing, many companies and brands use SMS marketing to complement other marketing techniques they are using, creating a complex cross-media marketing campaign.

One of the most important things that can be done with an SMS is to send your customers to your mobile website. This is simply done by texting them a URL in the message. Also, you can send them a link to your e-commerce as an incentive, with the right call-to-action necessary to trigger a disagreed action. At the same time, SMS allows you to send email addresses, coupons, and phone numbers.


We hope we’ve been able to clear some of your doubts and answer those questions that keep you wondering on what exactly is SMS Marketing. Furthermore, you have to understand that behind any SMS marketing service, there is a suave bulk SMS gateway software provider at the core end. Be your own SMS reseller and handle your bulk SMS services for SMS marketing and others with our TeleOSS SMS software solution. With our platform, a good experience is guaranteed.