



Trivia: USSD Application Software

Mobile phones are a significant innovation that people integrate into their daily lives. Not only is it a tool for communication between family and friends, but it is also now privy to essential work-related functions, such as in banking, research, and travel.

More than the novelty of cellular phones, several telecommunication protocols are continually being developed to power up such mobile devices and make robust digital connections a reality. Now, it’s relatively easier to perform transactions and duties that previously needed to be fulfilled in person.

TeleOSS is at the helm of high-level connectivity with excellent value-added service (VAS) delivery platforms and products that connect the world more intimately. It gives more worth to business-to-client, operator-to-user, and peer-to-peer networks that are always linked through high-speed messaging. We are proud to present our premium offering USSD application, the TeleOSS Trivia Software.


What is USSD?

Unstructured Supplementary Service Data or USSD is a global system by which a mobile technology for communication (GSM) can send text messages between a mobile phone and an application controlled by a service provider.

USSD is in a way like SMS in that it is a message that can be received by a mobile phone. However, application to the user and vice versa USSD transactions only happen during a session. On the other hand, SMS is stored for a considerable length of time if the receiver’s mobile phone is not within range or inactive.

Every USSD session is created through a real-time connection and remains open as long as there are a two-way correspondence and sequencing of data. Messages sent through USSD may contain up to 182 alphanumeric characters and is more responsive and interactive than SMS.

Uses of USSD in messaging

USSD messages prompted by a user is sent to a service provider’s dedicated computer, which immediately sends a basic format response to the mobile phone display. It has several uses, which we will enumerate here.



WAP Browsing

Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) enables mobile phones to access the internet and display USSD-pushed browsers.

Balance Inquiry and Update

USSD is typically used for available balance queries on a prepaid GSM phone. For networks that utilize USSD for pay-as-you-go transactions, a user’s balance is displayed right after they successfully fulfill a purchase.



One-Time PIN (OTP) uses USSD to send a unique set of numbers that is used to authorize logins, transactions, and other functions that need additional security, such as in mobile banking.

Content and Information

Some operators use USSD to push updates on a user’s social media accounts, weather, location, and other information in real-time.


Supplement to SMS

There are instances when a USSD message is sent to a user as an acknowledgment receipt. Before a system sends an SMS with the details of the transaction, and initial quick reply by USSD informs the user that their request is being processed.

TeleOSS Trivia USSD Software Features


Purchasing the TeleOSS Trivia USSD Software gives you a host of features to bring your business closer to success. Every standard license comes with 20 TPS for HTTP Outbound (sending a request and receiving response) and 20 TPS for HTTP Inbound (receiving request and sending response) transactions. As an administrator, you are given the power to create up to 500 end-user accounts.

Like the TeleOSS commitment to excellent reporting and delivery status updates, our Trivia software has a log availability of the last seven (7) days and an SMS Transactional log availability of the previous three (3) months.

Administrator Portal

  • Live Traffic Monitoring Dashboard: As an administrator, you will be able to monitor live traffic and usage updates of plan-wise and user-wise transactions.
  • User Management: Various account management options are available via administrative controls. Account, role-based users, balance, and recharge by volume or amount can all be accessed in the portal.
  • Workflow Management: As per client requirement, an admin is given the power to create a survey, quiz, poll or banking workflow and streamline it to fit any theme or branding.
  • Theme Configuration: Options to change the GUI is available in Trivia. You can set background and font color, menu alignment, header, and footer content, and preview any changes you made before applying on the product. The GUI also has multilingual support.
  • Products or Service Plans Offering: You can configure grace period and volume, user balance forwarding, default and override rate, queueing size, and time-bound management options.
  • Plan and Operator wise Charges: Admins can override operator wise rate, import rate, and manage multi-rate plans.
  • Source Management: As an admin, you can create a USSD source.
  • Reports and Notifications: Trivia has comprehensive MIS reports, Business Analytics, and Auto-notifications for balance and account status via an alert display on the system interface if you enable.
  • Manage Address Directory: Your users can perform a contacts list importing or use a global system address directory as per their requirement.
  • Mange Questions and Answers: Users can create sets of questions and answers to supplement the workflow

Client Portal

Every client, once given access to your Trivia Software, will enjoy such features on their USSD portal:
  • User Activity Dashboard that includes account details, SMS usage details, and Balance and validity
  • Address book with Bulk Import
  • MIS and DLR Reports
  • Workflow Management to allow users to create different flows like survey, quiz, polls, banking, etc. depending on their requirement.

How Trivia Software License Works

When you have the TeleOSS Trivia Software, you will be able to satisfy your USSD requirements. Workflow creation and management can all be set via the software. Trivia stores every response and retrieved through the reliable Statistics report. Trivia is integrated with TeleOSS through an HTTP API and follows the USSD protocol of any operator.

USSD-enabled functionality available for users who purchase the Trivia Software License are as follows:


Client-Initiated USSD Menu

Trivia allows you to set up a mobile-initiated application (i.e., Balance Inquiry and Top-Up) via USSD signaling, which will enable the user to interact with a program using their mobile device. A user dials a USSD string the service provider has defined, like *#123#. This string acts as a service request, which is then sent to the USSD applications.

As soon as the request is received, the application sends a response in the form of an options menu. The user can choose the service they want, and then the USSD application replies with the appropriate function to satisfy the user request. This two-way correspondence comprises a USSD session.

Network-Initiated USSD Notifications

With the Trivia Software License, operators may send advertisements and promotional texts to subscribers either for your products and services or that of other brands.

Through Trivia USSD, you may also push subscriber information applications, such as when the user receives a message after a call, which contains an update on their remaining balance.


Mobile Station (MS) Initiated USSD

Trivia can be used to set up bank applications like account checks and money transfer transactions. It can also be used to retrieve content-driven messages like the news, horoscope, weather, balance, social media, articles and other content. The software is also capable of implementing mobile ticket applications for train and concert ticket purchases.

Why Choose TeleOSS Trivia Software?

  • Works on all handset models
  • Free to use for clients
  • Cost-effective implementation
  • Rapid data exchange (seven times quicker than SMS)
  • No Internet or data connectivity requirement
  • Can be implemented across any cellular network
  • Mobile software- or SIM-agnostic
  • Highly customizable workflow
TeleOSS Trivia Software is a reliable and secure way to fulfill your USSD requirements. Talk to us!