Why WhatsApp Marketing is the Best Way to Go?

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What’s the first thing that crosses your mind while chalking out a robust and workable digital marketing strategy? It is which digital marketing channels to leverage. WhatsApp emerged as one of the most prominent digital marketing channels in recent years and visionary digital marketers remember this wonderful platform in mind along with Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linked In, and of course email marketing. With more than 2 billion users worldwide, this text-based messaging app can do way more for your business than you can imagine.

Why Use WhatsApp Over Email?

In recent years, WhatsApp has emerged as one of the leading platforms for small and medium businesses to get in touch with their customers and keep them updated. WhatsApp is one of the conversational platforms that has nearly 99% open rates. With 2 billion active WhatsApp users across the world, it’s a great way for marketers to explore their options and find new opportunities. With WhatsApp, you can expect your customers to respond immediately and more frequently than they do with emails. The WhatsApp business app is perfect for small business owners and entrepreneurs as its API can meet the ever-growing communication needs between customers and businesses.

Pros and Cons Bulk WhatsApp Messaging software

Pros of bulk WhatsApp messaging software

Using WhatsApp messaging has various pros for business owners; here are some of the highlights:

●      WhatsApp provides the most cost-effective marketing for small businesses and entrepreneurs

●      It provides a time-efficient way to market your business, as you can send a message to hundreds of people

●      You can attach relevant images and videos with your message

Cons of bulk WhatsApp messaging software

Some of the cons that you might encounter while using bulk WhatsApp messaging software are:

●      Since such software does not allow you to use multiple accounts, you might not be able to promote your business as fast as other tools.

●      If you send multiple messages every day, people might stop responding to your business.

●      If not taken properly measures, your clients’ data might be susceptible to cyber-attacks.

Major reasons why you must consider using bulk WhatsApp messaging for your business.

1. Grow your audience

Nowadays, WhatsApp is used by almost every smartphone user. It is accessible to your customers and with plenty of options provided by the app itself, you can not only grow your audience or customer base but also increase the engagement rate by a phenomenal margin.

2. Better customer service

From transactional messages to bill payments, inquiries and complaints, WhatsApp is being used for pretty much every message type these days. By leveraging WhatsApp messaging, you can offer better customer service to your customers and resolve their concerns. You will appear more approachable to your customers which strengthens their trust in your business and/or brand.

3. Simple-to-use

According to market research, one of the major reasons behind the popularity of WhatsApp marketing is its easy-to-use interface. It makes it easy to use just by anyone. When you reach out to your customer through a channel, they are comfortable with, the engagement rate automatically increases and that also helps them take note of your products/services.

4. Increase Conversion

Conversion is an important consideration for every business and that’s one of the prime reasons, WhatsApp messaging just cannot be ruled out. By using bulk WhatsApp messaging software, you can reach out to thousands and even millions of customers or potential customers at once. Gone are the days when SMS marketing was used for the same purpose; however, things have changed drastically in the past decade. If you are looking for an effective bulk messaging medium then WhatsApp is your way to go. You can optimize resource use while improving your conversion rates and brand recognition in a cost-effective manner.

Why choose TeleOSS WhatsApp Messaging software?

Since its inception, TeleOSS has been committed to providing robust and comprehensive solutions for all your WhatsApp marketing requirements. The various packages of the TeleOSS’ WhatsApp messaging software are making it easier for businesses to support their current requirements, all the while robust enough for future needs too. TeleOSS is an industry leader in its innovative solutions for businesses.

Features of WhatsApp Messaging software

●      Campaigns Management

●      Contact Management

●      Send Multiple Messages

●      WhatsApp Inbox and many more

Bulk WhatsApp messaging software is an excellent option if you’re looking for an easy way to keep in touch with your customers. With nearly 2 billion active users, there’s a good chance your customers are already using it. And with the WhatsApp business app, it’s easier than ever to connect with them. Hope you found the post useful. If you looking for a bulk WhatsApp SMS provider to give a kick-start to your business, feel free to get in touch with us.