Alert – Stop Your Revenue Leakage Today !!

If we sum-up telecom world just by saying service providers or carriers then it is enough because there are several sub-systems and functions within the telecom world. SMS Wholesale and SMS reselling is one of the core functions which helps the service providers to keep their network in balance and congestion free. SMS Reselling is a buzz word in the current market and with the increasing popularity, the competition is also pretty high. SMS Wholesalers are adding new customers each day and offering the share of business at the high cost price which makes it difficult for the SMS resellers to cope up with the competition.

Enterprise customers on the other hand are looking for simple and cheap SMS plans which can help them to cover larger segment at cost-effective rates. In addition to the pricing war, there are few technical hassles as well which SMS resellers are facing in the market. In this post we have identified some of the most common challenges and solutions for the same which you can consider to stop the revenue leakage and generate maximum business.

Critical Business Loss & Revenue Leakage

# Challenge: When SMS resellers purchase a bundle SMS package from the wholesalers, they are provided with a panel through which they can operate the SMS network and users. If the wholesale SMS package is cost-effective but if you find a better option then you will have to transfer the entire load of users to the new wholesaler panel which will result in downtime, customer loss and technical hassles.

Check the below calculation and if you stretch your mind a little, you will observe the amount of revenue leakage and loss that you are incurring currently

Saving Per SMSSMS Volume Per MonthSavings Per MonthAnnual Saving
0.001 cent10,00,000$1,000$12,000
Solution: Instead of changing the user base each time you change the wholesaler, you can choose TeleOSS SMS Aggregator platform which has the flexibility to integrate with multiple wholesaler API. You can shift the wholesaler services smoothly as and when you need just by integrating the new API.

Default Features and Functionalities

# Challenge: SMS resellers who are using the default panel offered by the SMS wholesalers, have no control over demanding new features or functionalities as per their business requirements. Moreover, even if your network and customer base is growing, you will be limited to reselling because of the limited functionality system that you are provided with.

Solution: The SMS Aggregator solution offered by TeleOSS enables you to expand your network, scale up the traffic and customize the solution as per your business requirements. Break free and grow ahead in the market from just SMS reselling to SMS wholesale or Multi Service Operator (MSO).

Cost- Effective Service Better Business

# Challenge: The SMS business is completely a pricing game. No matter you have hundreds of enterprise customers today, but if you are costly at certain point of time then your customers would choose your competitor for cost-effective solution. If your landing cost is higher from the SMS wholesaler then it is difficult for you to offer better price to your customers.

Solution: By choosing the TeleOSS SMS Aggregator platform you can switch between low cost and premium SMS wholesaler services and cater to customers looking for cost-effective SMS packages as well as customers looking for high quality service packages.

TeleOSS is a leading SMS Gateway, SMS resellers and SMS Aggregator software solution provider. All our solutions are industry focused. Designed and built to serve millions and billions of SMS traffic each minute, we assure that all your business requirements will be fulfilled by choosing our platform.

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