An Effective Marketing Using Unified Communication Platform

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  • An Effective Marketing Using Unified Communication Platform

There are different types of marketing approaches used in the current digital world. Be it online marketing, calling, email marketing, branding or events, or print media. Businesses are working hard to reach their targeted audiences through the right medium. One of the important and effective tools used by almost all the companies are the medium of SMS. Short Messaging Services (SMS) is one of the most popular choice of marketing managers and business owners to reach customers at the most cost effectively. The response rate of SMS is 95% compared to email 20%, calling 50% and online marketing 60%.

Be it young or old, customers of all age respond to SMS whether they are connected to internet or not. Businesses are taking the advantage of the same but due to the lack of focus and advancement in the communication segment, businesses are forced to use different tools for each process. For example they will need separate tool for Email Marketing, separate gateway for SMS, and separate tool for calling.

So, how would it be if all these tools are merged in one single platform through which you can use all services!

Although it sounds impractical but there are software products in the market which has been pretty popular in the African market. Company named TeleOSS Co has launched a Communication Suite solution which enables customers to launch

  • SMS broadcast services
  • WhatsApp broadcast services
  • IVR services
  • Email marketing services
  • and much more.

With so many services using single platform, what more could you ask for? The communication suite can be configured as per your business requirements and you can even automate your business process to enhance the productivity of sales and marketing. For an example,

  • Integrate TeleOSS messaging with your internal CRM
  • market the products and services to the customer database in the CRM
  • Use WhatsApp, Viber or SMS for marketing the products
  • Generate leads and forward it to your sales team through WhatsApp or SMS
  • Customer responds on SMS or Whatsapp for the approval
  • Get updated status and share reports to internal teams

Benefits of using a comprehensive communication and messaging suite platform

Dynamic Content

With the help of suing all-in-one platform you can share quality content to your customers that is either SMS or WhatsApp digital content including images, links, videos or documents.

Customer Support

You can also enable SMS or WhasApp based customer support by which customers get two-way communication option either by call or by chat. Using the web interface of WhatsApp support executives can handle multiple clients at the same time.

Faster Response

In order to create a complete campaign, you can also send bulk email campaign following up for the Bulk SMS which you have sent with the link to the email or document as need.

Successful Campaign

Using single platform for different services enables you to get complete control over your campaign. You can instantly know which service to tap and which to enable so that you can get more aggressive campaign results.


Africa is a lucrative market for all the businesses whether it is telecom or enterprise. Similarly marketing is also an important aspect for each business. Combining the business activities with the right solution will yield you best results.