SMS Router During Unpredictable Network Congestion

Teleoss Blog


SMS Router During Unpredictable Network Congestion

Writer : TeleOSS

SMS traffic volume sometimes predictably as well as unpredictably varies timely, seasonally and due to festive variations.

Frequency of Engaged SMS Traffic Problems:

  • Messaging Traffic in the busiest hours of the day with number of messages sent by an average subscriber definitely strains the overall messaging capacity. Messaging infrastructure then  accommodates traffic for the remaining time.
  • Other than this, high and unexpected messaging traffic in scenarios such as a economic or political conference or an event may create a message backlog and impact the overall delivery. Even operators experience fluctuations in peer-to-peer SMS traffic with the similar scenarios such as festive events involving high-volume exchange of peer-to-peer messages.
  • The unpredictability in the frequency of engaged SMS traffic both in terms of time and message origination drastically affects the operators network.
  • The above cases lead to frequent incremental upgrades in SMSC capacity leading to a costly and time consuming solution without really solving the problem of operators’ network elements which are not optimally utilized in the scenario.

Network Congestion Management:

  • Optimizing the SMS resource utilization on the network by combining multiple standalone nodes and efficiently using the aggregate system capacity to route traffic across these connected points on the network can solve the real problem.
  • By rule-based routing framework and regulating the overloaded traffic flows over constituent network nodes, thereby assist in traffic shaping and network congestion management.

Secure, Cost-Effective & Robust Platform:

  • SMS Router supports SS7 signaling channels for secure message delivery and it can also be integrated with IP channels to ensure minimum cost of overall SMS delivery.
  • A robust SMS Router can offer you better capacity management for multiple messaging nodes (SMSC) without affecting router’s hardware capacity in relation to incremental SMS traffic capacity even related with the future aspects.

Delivery Assurance with Alternate Routes: An effective SMS Router should deliver 70% of the messages in the first attempt along with defining the alternate routes of SMS delivery during unpredictable network congestion in the main route.

Cost-Efficient Solution: An effective SMS Router improves the message-throughput with dynamic message distribution assisting operators to have a cost efficient solution along with optimal utilization of existing messaging resources.

About Us :

We, Aruhat Technologies Pvt. Ltd. are SMS Aggregators and also provide Bulk SMS Aggregator Platform named TeleOSS which is a Technology for SMS Aggregators with all the full Operational, Support and Control features. TeleOSS can also be used as an SMPP Router and can be extended to become SMS Hub, SMS Gateway and SMSC Software with added Customizations. We offer VAS delivery solutions built on robust and advanced technology platform for variety of messaging solutions. It caters to companies who want to provide Value Added Services like Bulk SMS, Email, Missed Call Alert, Quiz Contest. TeleOSS platform enhances operations with easy to use interface including subscriber management, service management, product catalogue management, dynamic routing, readily available reports, real-time dashboard and notifications. Do visit for more details. Contact at for quick demo.