Exploring the Lucrative Business of SMS Reselling and apt Software Solution Platform

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  • Exploring the Lucrative Business of SMS Reselling and apt Software Solution Platform

The increasing number smart devices across the globe are one of the primary contributors in increased SMS traffic globally. Each year new smart devices and non-smart devices are added along with the SMS based applications which use SMS for as an authenticating MSISDN number, customer alert as well as notifications. As per the below chart, more than 563 million mobile devices were added in 2015 to 7.3 billion mobile devices in 2014. By 2020 it is expected that the mobile devices will exceed to 11.6 billion at the rate of CAGR 8%.

Source: Cisco VNI Mobile, 2016

With the increase in the number of mobile devices, the bulk SMS business has also increased to great extent. The global A2P SMS market revenue stood at US$57.27 bn in 2015 and is expected to reach US$83.03 bn by 2024, expanding at a CAGR of 4.2% therein. (Transparency market research)

As per the below survey from Ovum, the SMS traffic is forecasted to reach 1.37 trillion by 2020. The multi-billion dollar industry is gaining y-o-y growth as enterprises and brands are increasingly adopting SMS as their standard marketing platform to promote services and products. The channel is further used by the smart phone applications to authenticate, alert and notify the customers.

Global-A2P SMS Traffic

In a recent research on famous Q&A portal, most of the company owners and marketing managers have actually accepted that SMS is much more effective platform than mass mailing or online advertisements. The capex and opex invested in Bulk SMS solutions are much lesser compared to the marketing budget needed for mass mailing, database, or online advertisements.

Consumers Expect

The increase in SMS traffic and accepted platform for marketing has led to SMS resellers to harness the ready platform. There are several companies in the market which started in a small room and today built a complete office based on the SMS business. Each and every industry in the market, whether it is BFSI, Healthcare, Hospitality or Education, needs SMS platform for instantly communicating with their customers and clients.

SMS wholesalers and providers like large carriers and operators also need SMS reseller platforms who can further sell the SMS packages to enterprise customers in the market. For green field SMS resellers or existing SMS resellers, few challenges that they are facing are:

With a strong network of enterprise customers and brands in your region, you can easily sell upto 100,000 SMS packages within a short span of 3 months.

The smart work here is to gain access to larger volume of SMS at cheaper rates by which you can provide cheaper SMS packages to your customers, at the same time make good amount of profit

The winning strategy to lead ahead of the competition is to use the right platform for routingcontrolling and managing the SMS traffic. For this you need reliable and trustable SMS gateway platform that offers latest and advanced solutions. You must know that your business success majorly depends on the bulk SMS gateway platform hat you choose.

For SMS resellers we have specially designed and developed TeleOSS SMS gateway software solution which offers latest and advanced features to cater high volume of SMS traffic. With TeleOSS SMS gateway you can avail live monitoring of traffic, real time update of SMS sent and received, real time update of SMS routing, etc. TeleOSS SMS gateway is an award winning software solution which is trusted by several national and international customers the globe. From small to large bulk SMS providers choose TeleOSS gateway because of the scalability and quality of customer services provided by us.

For more information regarding the solution or solution demo, please contact us at: info@teleoss.co or you can download the brochure from (download brochure)