Growing Bulk SMS Market in African Markets

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Even in the age of digital world, SMS is one of the powerful marketing tool which is still the first to hit the inbox of customer before emails or calls. Even if the customer is on roaming, out of internet network area or busy on call, SMS can mark its presence unlike other marketing platforms. Since the first message was sent in 1992, the flood of messaging has never stopped. In fact, telecom operators and bulk SMS providers have converted the disruption into an opportunity. An entire new layer of business segment has been added across world including Africa.

As per the current market research, the African SMS market has already crossed 81 billion and it is still increasing. SMS Aggregators targeting the lucrative market should be prepared with the right set of resources and solutions in network to cater the high volume of traffic. There are several web based solutions in the market, however, a SMS Gateway product is what offers the control and functionalities for the desired results.

Why SMS Gateway Product is more reliable?

Using a reliable solution can enable you gain control over your business and network. If you are using high cost rentals then there are chances that clients expecting discounted rates are lost to your competitors. With the help of SMS Gateway product solutions you are the boss of your business and you can define the rate as per the business requirements. If you wish to provide new services, international pricing, discounted rates or integrate with other solutions then you can seamlessly invest without any permission or approval of third party teams. However, in rental based models, it depends on the company through whose service you are using.

Why not open source/in-house developed solution?

When was the last time your product was upgraded or added new features to your in-house solution? This is the common challenge that most of the SMS Aggregators using open source/in-house bulk SMS software solution are facing. Every company can develop a CRM but why do they rely on professional solutions, because they invest time, resource and money to expand the features and functionalities required to keep pace with evolving market. Same is the case with Bulk SMS Gateway solutions! If you want to evolve with the market choose standard product rather than open source solutions.

What should SMS Resellers and Wholesalers look in a SMS Gateway product?

  • The SMS gateway solution should be able to support not only bulk SMS promotion but also other features like bulk emailing, shortcodes and long codes. Reliable SMTP connectivity enabling inbound and outbound connections with interfaces to SMTP, HTTP/HTTPx, etc. can offer additional features.
  • SMS Wholesalers would require a solution that enables them to access two way messaging features by which direct subscribers and reseller’s subscribers can also launch interactive services. Multi-lingual SMS adds benefit of offering enhanced marketing support to customers with cross-border business network as well.
  • SMS Gateway with scheduling, filtering and controlling features to prevent spamming and flooding can help in a better quality of services to the customers. Rule based routing engine in SMS gateway can help in routing the messages to low cost and quality operator networks to gain minimal failure results.
  • Live traffic monitoring, statistics, MIS reports and user wise or gateway wise reports are some of the important information which is must to analyze the business, network and traffic performance.


There are many such messaging suite solutions which can offer high-quality business enhancements to SMS Resellers and SMS Wholesalers. Choosing the right solution for the best results is the need of the hour!