Trends to Shape SMS Wholesale business in the Telecom Industry

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Bulk SMS Marketing: New trends to follow to succeed in 2022

Text message marketing is undergoing a major revolution, and there are multiple advantages to it. Customers are now connected easily with businesses with SMS marketing at a very affordable price. Some benefits are as listed below:

  • Easy setup with low maintenance 
  • Simple to use and widely adopted
  • Two-way communication is enabled
  • Preferred by customers across all demographics
  • Customer satisfaction is achieved 

Text messaging allows the easy flow of communication between clients and businesses. It covers a wide range of customers in a faster way.

To understand the trends of SMS Wholesale Business, consider the following things:

  1. Enormous growth and wide range of opportunities of SMS
  2. Faster and reliable communication method
  3. Faster and direct response of customers with clients
  4. Customer point of view
  5. Types of the message- bulk, spam
  6. Business perspectives

Have a look at some of the significant SMS Wholesale business trends of 2022.

1. Sms Automation 

It helps to nurture your customers. The right SMS automation strategy allows timely, personalized and relevant text messages to be delivered to the customers starting from appointment confirmation to sending payment reminders.

2. SMS Integration in Multi-Channel Communications 

The multi-channel messaging includes a combination of email and SMS promotions, social media marketing and SMS, and sending of SMS for updates and newsletters.

3. B2B Text Messaging 

B2B communications will play a significant role in text message trends as it will be a preferred contact channel for many workers. Content marketing, lead generation and customer service modules of businesses will be incorporating text message marketing.

4. ID Of The Sender

Adoption of SMS sender ID enhances trust and loyalty in customers. It reinforces your presence in their lives along with helping your message recipients in recognizing you.

5. Dedicated Numbers

Dedicated 10-digit long codes enable bulk messaging as well as one-to-one messaging. It is used for sending and receiving SMS as well as you can also send bulk messages to millions of recipients at a single time using a number that your business can only recognize.

6. Multimedia Messaging 

To convey a unique message, you can also send longer messages, media-rich content, videos, images, animations, etc. Mobile landing pages enable to send MMS recipients to a mobile-optimized landing page without using any expensive app.

7. Personalized Messages

Bulk SMS must also be personalized for its recipients as personal connections are necessary. SMS must be based on age, gender, demographic conditions, location and time zones.

8. Influencer Marketing Based On SMS

Many influencers increase their followers using text marketing. This becomes more personalized than email or direct messages on social media. Influencers tend to show tangible business results regarding clicks, sales or engagement.

9. Customer Service Based on SMS 

For the success of the business, customer satisfaction is essential. Compared to other services, a “message us” or “text us” option improves efficiency, reduces costs, and increases customer satisfaction. Just add a ‘Click-to-text’ button to your website.

Choose TeleOSS for SMS Wholesale Business 

TeleOSS offers the best SMS Wholesale Business software to various businesses to use for SMS marketing. Know more about them and identify how they can help you in your business. All the best!