Choose Advanced SMS Wholesale Solution for the Modern Mobile World

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  • Choose Advanced SMS Wholesale Solution for the Modern Mobile World

We are living in a mobile world through which almost anything and everything is possible. Whether you want to open a bank account, transfer, purchase asset or even get latest update about other part of the world. The mobile technology has transformed the processes and functions in every segment. Whether it is marketing, sales or business automation, SMS has become of the major accepted platform in the enterprise segment.

The mobile marketing comes with different names as some call it text marketing, business sms marketing and sms marketing. Due to 98% of open ratio, SMS marketing has become the focal point of all the marketing activities over email and calls. It has its own benefits like cost-effectiveness and faster reach to customers.

And due to increasing demand and volume of SMS in the market, operators are also looking for advanced SMS wholesale solution that can help them to cater the huge volume as well as offer innovative business models.

Some of the operators and SMS wholesalers believe that using open source or in-house developed software can be optimized than choosing advanced industry standard SMS wholesale platform. There are few points that we wanted to highlight and discuss in this post for the SMS wholesale segment.

Optimum Savings

The major concern of all the businesses currently in the market, whether it is SMS based or others, the major point is to save the revenue by minimal expenditure. SMS wholesalers believe that using an open source software can help them in saving the infrastructure cost. However, this will result in ultimately losing higher cost and customers.

Solution Uniqueness

In-house software can cost you minimal but ultimately designing it in for future, you need a dedicated development and support team which can help in adding latest technicalities. You have to invest more on the team and resource cost. Instead with the help of advanced SMS wholesale solutions, you benefit of getting all latest functionalities without any additional cost.

Secured Solution

In any network solution it is important that you have secured data of customers, partners, etc. However, the safety and security of the data is not assured in the open source solution. There have been several cases in which the open source solutions are not secured enough and customers have lost their data or resulted in data-theft. Choosing industry standard SMS wholesale solution can also help in overcoming such challenges.

Dedicated Support

Although you have dedicated support team internally, if your system crashes or customers need unique feature then it is out of the scope of the support team. The SMS wholesale solution has dedicated support team, development team and customer account team that can help in scalability, flexibility and integrating business legacy systems.


Instead of investing in open source or in-house software, you can look for SMS wholesale solutions available in the market with international standard quality features & functionalities. If you need more information then you can reach us at