How to Start Your Own Bulk SMS Aggregator Business for SMS marketing services?

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  • How to Start Your Own Bulk SMS Aggregator Business for SMS marketing services?

Although the bulk SMS marketing services have become one of the essential and important platform for enterprises to promote their products and services, SMS aggregators on the other hand, especially new ventures are unable to track the way to establish their business. There are no set guidelines in the business as the Bulk SMS industry is pretty lucrative market, and right from the college students to large SMS aggregators and SMS reseller businesses are part of the same journey.

Generally SMS resellers and aggregators work through SMS application based access through which they purchase bulk SMS plans and send their customers messages. However, there is another best option like deploying your own SMS gateway and organizing your own network of clients and SMS resellers. Instead of purchasing SMS plans on credit basis, you have the flexibility to create your own plan and in fact sell the SMS plans to network below you.

So how does this work?How to Start Bulk SMS Business

The exchange of SMS is done through the operator network and ultimately all the traffic passes through it. Whether it is inbound or the outbound, so when you are purchasing the SMS based plans from any SMS aggregator, the scenario is something like this.

So if you see, there are multiple layers in which the SMS industry is divided into. Moreover, there can be multiple SMS resellers under SMS aggregators. In such scenario, if you are looking for making faster progress and best possible revenue then using personalized SMS gateway solution is the best option. Using an application based platform ultimately leads you to reduce the amount of revenue and invest a lot on the SMS plans. Due to high cost of SMS plans, you are not able to offer much discounts to your customers which can result into loss of the customer.

TeleOSS SMS Gateway Software enables fast and reliable message delivery for service providers/aggregators over standard messaging channels for A2P and P2P traffic. A cost effective and easy to use interface for all operations, routing rules, live traffic monitoring dashboard with exhaustive traffic analysis.

The platform has been designed based on service oriented approach where any new service and business can be implemented quickly and new revenue streams are enabled. TeleOSS enterprise grade platform is robust and scalable to integrate with complete stack of communication protocols for SMS, MMS, USSD, IVR and e-mail over HTTP, HTTPs, XML, SMTP, SMPP, SIP, SS7, SIGTRAN, SSL, RTP interfaces.

For any query regarding the solutions or to schedule product demo, please contact us immediately at – or you can also contact us at contact-us Our executives will soon get in touch with you!