Shared Short Codes Vs. Dedicated Short Codes

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Most of the SMS gateway software used in sending bulk SMSes makes use of short codes to operate. These short codes of five or six-digit numbers are telephone numbers for sending and receiving SMS or MMS through mobile phones. Short codes also have the nature of being easy to remember, having a speedy throughput, and can be used to send SMSes to a large number of people simultaneously.

Short codes are of two types, namely shared short codes and dedicated short codes. So, how do you know the one that befits your projects? You will, shortly! But only after reading through the quick description of the two, and also a comparison we’ve made below.

Shared Short Codes

It is the first type of SMS short code, just as the name suggests ”shared,” this implies that it is generated randomly and it is being shared amongst several users. It is the most used type of short code, due to its flexibility and cost-effectiveness.

Shared Short codes give restriction to the amount of keywords that can be created by a user. That is, if the keyword “OFFER” is what you intend to create, and it had been created by a separate user on that exact short code (shared), then the keyword won’t be implementable again by them. Another disadvantage of using the shared short code method is the disallowance of using text-to-win and sweepstakes campaigns.

The reason why shared short codes are more cost-effective than dedicated short codes

Technically speaking, shared short codes costs about $12,000 a year and $1,000 a month. Nonetheless, several businesses make use of it, how? The primary owner of the shared short code shares the short code as well as the cost amongst other users or businesses.

The splitting of the cost amongst users/businesses breaks the cost (money) into smaller junk, making cheaper to all the organization involved. However, they have to keep in mind that the demerits it comes along with — the keyword issue.

Dedicated Short Codes

Dedicated short code is the second form of SMS short code, meant precisely for a single user. Here, the user will have to choose the digits he or she desires for the business.

Users on a dedicated short code enjoy several benefits, and If you also decide to use them, below are some of the benefits you’ll enjoy too:

  • Your brand will be more recognized

Using a dedicated SMS short code will deliver positive impacts that are similar to what online marketing strategy gives in businesses, especially in the area of making people more aware of your brand. For instance, you can easily choose a number that is relatable to your brand name.

  • Exclusivity Of SMS Keyword

Dedicated short code allows brands to freely use any SMS keyword they choose to use, and this brings about full functionality and creativity in making A2P SMS messages. On the other hand, shared short codes only allow the usage of keywords that have not been previously created by others.

  • Activities will be easily managed

You can easily manage the overall consumer experience using this form of short code, allowing business owners to give their customers the best SMS experience, which also leads to customer engagement prosperity.

  • Security

The usage of a dedicated short code offers an optimum level of security and control to institutions, businesses, health-care, and government sectors utilizing it.

  • Availability of more functions

As we’ve mentioned previously that text-to-win and sweepstakes campaigns are not allowed on shared short code. However, you can easily do this on a dedicated short code. Another thing to consider is the variation of its admissibility in different localities. So you have to check to ensure that you are abiding by the law and regulations.


With the development of technology, the cognitive process of SMS, software, systems, features and functionalities are also constantly improving. The main difficulty with in-house systems, open-source or any kind of low cost SMS systems is that clients do not get timely upgrade when needed. Timely upgrade offers latest features, functionalities, system optimization, latest reports, etc. Whereas TeleOSS has strong team of developers who are working continuously on the product, making it rich with advanced features and functionalities.