Which is the best way to start Bulk SMS Business?

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  • Which is the best way to start Bulk SMS Business?

Bulk SMS has become a core marketing tool for enterprise businesses including healthcare, banking, e-commerce, manufacturing, etc. Most of the companies have also started automating their business processes through SMSs. With the increasing number of SMS traffic across the world, bulk SMS business is growing exponentially and becoming a highly revenue generating platform for SMS resellers and wholesalers. In order to setup a SMS reselling business most of the people think that they need high amount of CAPEX and OPEX which involves large amount funding. In earlier days that was a scenario but with the latest cloud based solutions provided TeleOSS, you need no hardware, no software, no resources and no maintenance. 

Believe it or not, for aspiring SMS resellers who are planning to start their business it is the best option to get a complete platform of advanced features and functionalities at the most competitive monthly pricing. The simple reason is you can majorly focus on adding more business and traffic to your platform, instead of thinking about expenses, resources, capex, etc. It is a faster method of developing your business in the shortest period of time. The benefit of choosing an industry standard platform that you can increase the TPS as per your requirement based on your network growth. 

In addition, there are several other benefits of choosing the cloud based platform which we have discussed below:

Maximized Saving

If you are concerned that moving to the cloud based solution will cost you more than the on-premise solution or rental based solution then you need to rethink. The simple reason behind is that you do not have to make any kind of initial investment and based on the growth of your network you can expand your monthly business plan. 

Secured Network

If you are concerned about your data, confidentiality, customer data, etc. then you can simply stay relaxed because the platform has several customers’ accounts because of which it is built on highly secured environment. Moreover, the platform owners are responsible for not only yours but several other customer data so they are more concerned than you. 

Highly Flexible

If you are using an in-house software or solution then if the network is scaling then you will have to add additional hardware or purchase user licenses. There are different packages based on which startup SMS resellers to enterprise level SMS resellers can choose their plan. Moreover, you have the flexibility to choose the features and module of your choice to offer innovative feature to your customers. 

Auto Upgrades

There is a dedicated team which is readily available to provide you instant support for all your technical queries related to the platform. If you or your customers are facing any problem, you can contact the TeleOSS team to get assistance. The dedicated development team is also constantly working on newer features and functionalities which are periodically added to your plans on regular basis. With this you can get best of the industry features without any additional cost. 


Reports are an important part of every company whether it is into service or product, and TeleOSS very well understands it. With the help of the analytical business and network reports, you can easily understand which client is generating maximum traffic and what package you can provide them to enhance the service quality. By manipulating


By choosing a monthly model, you can focus on developing your business rather than other operational issues. You can also enhance your revenue generation by reducing all the other costs and just a minimal monthly cost that comes with a large amount of benefits. If you need more information about the monthly bulk SMS platform then keep us posted at info@teleoss.co