How SMS Based Business Automation Solution Can Benefits e-Commerce Industry

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  • How SMS Based Business Automation Solution Can Benefits e-Commerce Industry

Nowadays, the entire world is revolving around the eCommerce industry, ranging from surfing data to making purchases. So, the eCommerce businesses have a massive customer with whom they need to maintain a constant interaction to improve the customer service and business outcomes. SMS Business solution for eCommerce can play a vital role in customer management and loyalty building.

While the businesses have to communicate seamlessly with their customers on a day-to-day basis, they must choose an SMS business solution for eCommerce that is effective, expedient, and economical. Adopting a texting platform to reach your customers shows that you’re paying attention to their habits, making your marketing outreach all the more effective. Texting provides practical solutions on many different fronts, from marketing to customer service.



Encourage your customers to shop from your online store by offering them membership to an exclusive SMS loyalty program. Such programs help retailers acquire new customers by advertising SMS loyalty program. Usually, texts have high call-to-action response rates compared to any other channel. Send SMS and make your customers feel like they are valuable by giving away free samples, profitable promotions, discounts, and other premium offers. This will eventually increase loyalty and branding of your company.


The fact is that voicemail and email are generally not as competent as SMS texting. When there’s a time-sensitive problem to resolve, you should be able to get in touch with your customers without delay and enable them to reach you immediately as well. Text messaging is a great platform for you to respond to your customers’ concerns rapidly. Texts can also support you in reducing bounce rates as well as cart abandonment.


Once an eCommerce customer places an order, their major concern is the status of the product delivery. As the product should get delivered before the deadline as it may be for a birthday or holiday. And the customer might want to be sure that their order arrives in time.

Although the majority of eCommerce businesses proffers package tracking for customers to track their product delivery status on website using code. Customers get highly annoyed by calling and being put on hold, but keeping your customers updated about the shipping status of their order through SMS by using SMS business solution for eCommerce is the best way to give timely customer service.


The eCommerce stores lack the tangible connection that brick-and-mortar stores have and many times fail to offer exceptional customer experience. With eCommerce, it can be challenging to make that personal connection, but using SMS business solution, eCommerce retailers can bridge that gap. Some of the ways to improve personal connection are

  • Sending personalized messages to customers depending on their purchasing history and preferences.
  • Sending relevant advice to customers that enhance their experience with your company.
  • Send SMS asking for customer feedback because giving an opportunity to the customer to express them will help you know whether they are unhappy with a part of your service. SMS is a perfect platform for sending poll questions and receive high response rates. Eventually, it is useful to know how your business is performing and what improvements you can make to elevate customer satisfaction.


When you adopt an SMS business solution for eCommerce business, you can boost your customer retention which will lead to higher conversions, sales as well as revenues. Besides, you improve customer satisfaction and service by providing clients a suitable channel of communication for urgent requests, delivery notices and personalized offers and messages. To put it plain SMS business solution is an ideal partner for eCommerce businesses whose customers are placing orders increasingly on their mobiles.