How TeleOSS Enables SMS Aggregators To Overcome The Challenges?

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With the increasing popularity of SMS market, it has become a legitimate platform of advertisement and marketing. Almost all the industries including shopping, entertainment, healthcare, hospitality, etc. use bulk SMS services to connect and promote their business and services. As per a market research website, around 8.3 trillion messages were sent in 2015 across the globe. This means almost 23 billion messages every day. So, you can imagine the size of SMS market across the globe.

In spite of the lucrative market, SMS aggregators and SMS resellers across the globe are struggling hard to provide premium services at cheaper rates due to unavailable of the right platform. For those who are new to the industry or unaware of who are SMS aggregators, this is brief introduction. When the traditional telecom network was designed, it was not designed for millions and billions of SMS messages travelling from all over the globe. The pace in which SMS industry grew and matured, telecom infrastructure did not cope up with the same. So, it lead to the initiation of new business segment, i.e. SMS aggregators.

SMS aggregators play the crucial role of providing connectivity between cell phone carriers by offering SMS gateway platform by which SMS messages can be sent and received. Almost all the SMS aggregators also offer premium SMS services by which marketers and enterprise business customers can leverage the SMS platform to promote their businesses. However, even in 2016, the platform used by most of the SMS aggregators is not up to the mark and results in high cost services. Premium services of SMS are majorly evaluated based on the faster delivery time and the volume of SMSs.

As SMS aggregators are largely dispersed in the market, so very few companies have focused in developing dedicated solutions that can provide all the required features and functionalities needed for SMS wholesalersSMS resellers, and SMS aggregators.  Being in this industry for a while, we at TeleOSS have observed the pain and challenges that SMS aggregators are going through. Some of the major challenges that TeleOSS platform helps you overcome are:

In most of the cases, we have observed that SMS Aggregators using third party SMS gateway or open source SMS gateway are unable to get proper technical support when network experienced downtime. TeleOSS is a dedicated solution, specially developed for the SMS industry and we have been working with several national and international clients across the globe since last decade. We have dedicated team of 24/7 customer support team to readily provide you support for any kind of technical query regarding TeleOSS solutions.

With the evolution of technology, the process of messaging, applications, systems, features and functionalities are also constantly upgrading. The major problem with in-house systems, open-source or any kind of low cost SMS systems is that clients do not get timely upgrade when needed. Timely upgrade offers latest features, functionalities, system optimization, latest reports, etc. Whereas TeleOSS has strong team of developers who are working continuously on the product, making it rich with advanced features and functionalities. Working with international customers has helped us to maintain the solution to match international standard.

Most of the SMS gateway systems in the market provide you the facility to route, control or map the SMS traffic. But the major problem is that not all solutions provide the facility of billing, invoicing and live to monitor of traffic. With the help of billing functionalities, SMS aggregators have the facility to create different rate card for different region or zones as per their business requirements. The system is smart enough to create the invoice as per the specified rate cards. Minimal manual interventions results in reduced headache and excel work.

Being a business ourselves, we very well understand that reporting and analysis is the essential process for any business. Based on the same concept, TeleOSS has highly focused in providing high network analysis and business analysis reports which help in taking actionable decisions for your business.

In order to help SMS Aggregators overcome the SMS industry challenges, we have identified, designed and developed our solution accordingly. Our TeleOSS Messaging Suite of software solution offers comprehensive platform for SMS Router, SMS Controller, SMS Gateway and SMS Hub.

If you are facing any of the above challenges or need more information regarding the solutions then please click here.