The Power of SMS for Businesses

Over the years, there’s been a meaningful growth in the power of text messaging — most especially SMS messaging for businesses. Despite the predictions of experts since 2011 when they said that in the coming years, SMS would become dead. Not only that it didn’t die, but it surprisingly grew stronger. Such a dark prediction was made because of the rapidly growing number of mobile applications. However, SMS did resist all these. In the year 2017, we now hear something appealing that by 2021, SMS would have grown from $55.49 billion to $71.60 billion while the installation of mobile apps would have encountered a drastic dropdown. Having known this, more marketers keep turning to explore SMS marketing.

For example, in the United Kingdom alone, SMS has now become, among others, the fastest growing marketing channel, having more than 33 million persons opting in just to receive business texts. With a reasonable reason, for sure.

How Come SMS is so Strong?

SMS has its open rate to be around 95% and 98% for its read rate. An SMS message is read within just 3 minutes after being received. The difference is so enormous, compared to email. Emails have just a 20% open rate and a 22% read rate. revealed some statistics noting that in the year 2017, the number of users of mobile phones will reach 4.77 billion and the number of users of mobile phones is expected in the world is expected to pass the 5 billion mark by the year 2019. Knowing that every mobile phone has a built-in SMS feature, it is understandable that this particular communication channel is the right one to use for anyone who wants to reach many people with their business messages. Furthermore, over 60% of consumers who own mobile phones respond positively to SMS marketing. Big brands keep investing large amounts of their marketing budgets on SMS messaging, which will in turn boost SMS and surely make it more influential than ever.

The target groups that are most influential today are Millennials. Businesses keep trying hard to reach out to them in all possible ways since the tech-savvy group responds best to digital incentives. However, researches show that even 60 percent of tech-obsessed youngsters prefer to receive all business messages via SMS rather than via emails or apps because the two-way engagement with companies via SMS is the most accessible way of communication and most convenient for them. In spite of all these, businesses still don’t optimally harness the beautiful power of SMS and SMS marketing. Millennials only receive up to 5 business messages weekly while 20 percent of them have never received a business SMS.

More consumers keep demanding two-way SMS communication with companies, so businesses are getting serious and predictions say that 50% of all SMS will be from companies, deliveries, sending consumers SMS alerts regarding appointments, and payments by the year 2025.

This is where mobile marketing platforms come in as the most helpful tool that all companies can reach their clients. One of the best platforms developed for this particular purpose is Teleossan SMS platform for mobile engagement via SMS. It is very ideal for businesses and companies of all sizes who want to successfully implement bulk SMS. It is very easy to use and also provides the ability to collect & store the data of customers in one single place, within the Customer Data Store. Segmentation wizard equipped with very flexible filters allows effective data filtering to create specific audiences which can be saved and used in different marketing campaigns.

Furthermore, Teleoss messaging platform greatly empowers you to comfortably enrich the data by the creation of custom fields and adding them on top of filtering options already existing, thus, you can create lists of customers as specific and precise as you like. Teleoss makes you send trackable text messages to your esteemed clients, business partners, future clients, and employees.

With TeleOSS SMS gateway software, you can:

  1. Send personalized messages on a large scale worldwide
  2. Automate SMS sending, regardless of the number of messages
  3. Plan and schedule marketing campaigns
  4. Quickly and easily interact with business partners, customers, or employees
  5. Bring sales to your website/e-commerce/ brick-and-mortar store
  6. Spread brand awareness
  7. Achieve outstanding customer engagement